The Master in Interactive Media and System crosses the arts with emerging technologies exploring innovative solutions for multimedia contexts, from virtual reality explorations to augmented reality apps, from performance animation to interactive systems, form videogames to videomapping, from Internet of Things to digital storytelling. This master degree challenges the students to be imaginative and develop creative ideas in the digital media world. Through a Steam based approach, students are empowered to be curious and seek creative solutions to challenges. Students develop a strong conceptual thinking, learn tools to master interactive media contents, and develop cross-media skills. There are two main research fields in this Masters, namely the development of ubiquitous systems and the production of interactive media.

SubjectDescriptionYear | Semester | ECTSTaught in english?

Interface and Interaction Design Students acquire knowledge, critical capacity and creative skills in the scope of the study of the guiding principles and good practices of Interfaces and Interaction Design, in the conception, design and development of Web interfaces (with the study and application of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the scope of web design) and Natural interfaces (that apply computer vision techniques, physical computing, communication protocols, generation and manipulation of visual and sound contents in real time in the production of interactive tangible products and installations) centered on the user that denote the different phases of the process in its various aspects.1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Interactive Sound and ImageIn this subject, students will be able to think critically about sound in multimedia and audiovisual performative environments; Understand the potential of dynamic and interactive creation and manipulation of moving image and sound content; Design interactive projects that relate sound and image; Acquire real-time digital image manipulation and generation techniques; Develop skills in interaction design and use of digital interfaces1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Creative ProgrammingThe main goal of this course is to understand the elementary concepts of computer programming applied to the different contexts of multimedia digital arts. Students will be able to identify the elementary concepts of computational programming like data types, operators, control structures, functions and objects to develop programs using creative programming languages to generate audiovisual content for performances, multimedia installations, web or mobile applications. 1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Motion Graphics and Video MappingTo be added… 1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Characters Animation in Interactive ContextsThis is an optional subject. Description to be added… 1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Ubiquitous PlatformsThis is an optional subject. The ultimate goal of the course is to know the principles and basis of ubiquitous programming as well as its limitations and challenges. Understanding how the Web works will give students all the competences to implement basic apps with JavaScript and to use Web services to communicate with external cloud services. 1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSYES

Interactive Environments LabsTo be added… 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSNO

The professor will occasionally do small remarks in english, in addition to an overview at the end of each class about the contents that were addressed
Applied Research Methodologies To be added… 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSNO

The professor will occasionally do small remarks in english, in addition to an overview at the end of each class about the contents that were addressed
Interactive NarrativesTo be added… 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSNO

The professor will occasionally do small remarks in english, in addition to an overview at the end of each class about the contents that were addressed
Sensible Systems to the ContextThe course unit provides students with the knowledge to develop context-adaptive systems by surveying and designing applications capable of enhanced services and experiences by applying methods for collecting and analyzing data from web sources or digital sensors. Classes focus on laboratory exploration through the practical implementation of theoretical concepts, aiming for the engagement between user experience, interactive systems, and digital media. 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSYES
Performative Animation in Real TimeThis is an optional subject. Description to be added… 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSNO

The professor will occasionally do small remarks in english, in addition to an overview at the end of each class about the contents that were addressed
Cloud ComputingThis is an optional subject. The ultimate goal of the course is to master the concepts inherent in cloud computing while understanding the architecture and functioning of the World Wide Web. Knowing the best practices in the design and implementation of cloud systems will give students the competences to design cloud architectures and implement (and use) basic cloud components and services provided by cloud providers. 1º year | 2º semester | 6 ECTSYES

Seminars on Web EnvironmentsTo be added… 1º year | 1º semester | 6 ECTSNO

The professor will occasionally do small remarks in english, in addition to an overview at the end of each class about the contents that were addressed
Project/Internship/DissertationTo be able to take part in this subject, foreign students need to send proofs that they are able to address all the technical and narrative issues implied. In order to do so, each student should contact Prof. Tiago Dionísio – tdr@esmad.ipp.pt2º year | Anual | 48 ECTSYES