ESMAD is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment, where students from all corners of the world can come together to exchange ideas, cultures, and experiences, therefore, our school is thrilled to expand its network of international collaborations. Through strategic partnerships with renowned universities and institutions worldwide, we aim to enhance academic excellence, promote cross-cultural understanding, and facilitate knowledge exchange. By embracing internationalization, we open doors to a multitude of opportunities for our students. Our robust exchange programs enable them to broaden their horizons, immerse themselves in new cultures, and develop a global perspective. 

Our commitment to internationalization extends beyond student mobility. We actively seek research collaborations and joint projects with esteemed international partners, fostering interdisciplinary initiatives that tackle global challenges. By pooling our collective expertise, we can make meaningful contributions to fields such as sustainable development, healthcare, technology, and social sciences.

ESMAD belongs to international networks and European Universities such as:

ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for exchange and development in higher arts education.ELIA advocates for higher arts education by creating new opportunities for its members and facilitating the exchange of good practice

CARPE, the European  consortium on applied research and professional education is a strategic alliance of a number of Europan universities of Applied sciences. CARPE is a consortium of European Universities that have been brought together by the common themes of applied research, professional education and focus on our students’ future world of work

Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance – the ATHENA European University is a federation of mid-size higher education institutions in nine European countries. It draws on their combined strengths to reach a common objective: deliver high-quality education with a positive impact on research, youth employability and social advancement at the national and European levels.